17 Kata Kata Bahasa Inggris untuk Menyambut Bulan April 2023, Berikan Kata Bijak Penuh Inspirasi Ini

25 Maret 2023, 22:39 WIB
17 Kata Kata Bahasa Inggris untuk Menyambut Bulan April 2023, /pixabay/

TRENGGALEKPEDIA.COM – 17 kata kata bahasa Inggris untuk menyambut bulan April 2023 yang penuh kata bijak dan inspirasi.

Siap kata kata memiliki energi yang bisa mempengaruhi pikiran setiap manusia, apalagi kata kata tersebut bijak dan penuh inspirasi

Berikut ini Trenggalekpedia.com telah merangkum kata kata berbahasa Inggris untuk menyambut bulan April 2023:

1. I believe that God will send an extraordinary opportunity to anyone who is willing to fight

2. Think before you act, think before you say, and be careful

3. Happy running activities, have a nice day and always get blessings

4. This is a new day with a new spirit, let's start the day with a greeting that can lift your spirits again.

Baca Juga: 17 Kata Kata Menyambut Bulan April 2023, Berikan Kata Cinta, Inspirasi dan Motivasi untuk Orang Sekitar

5. Opportunities rarely come twice, take them while they exist and fight for it

6. Do good because you have to, do good to anyone and don't choose

7. Be useful to all creatures, humans, animals, and all that is on this earth

8. There is a beauty of God that is attached to every servant

9. I have chosen to live in this space and place, and I hope that you will feel the same as me

10. Every human being has various problems in life, so it's best not to give bad comments to others

11. I just want you to listen to me and just stop at you

Baca Juga: 17 Kata Kata Bahasa Jawa Menyambut Bulan April 2023, Menyebarkan Kebaikan untuk Orang Sekitar

12. Today may be a good day for me and for the work that I will live the day ahead

13. This morning, I have prepared carefully according to what I will do all day, have a nice day

14. Akih and a beautiful beginning, may God give the best for the way of my life going forward

15. I think being close to you always makes me comfortable and no longer wants to leave

16. Like a mirage in the desert, that's you who was never real in my life

17. Thank you for being able to endure so hard until today

Itulah 17 kata kata bahasa Inggris untuk menyambut bulan April 2023. Kata bijak yang penuh inspirasi***

Editor: Dani Saputra


